Our Promise : "One-of-a-Kind" made "One-at-a-Time"!

"One of a Kind bags made One at a Time"

Bette's Bags is a mother/daughter team who design and create original one of a kind handbags, purses, totes, yoga bags, diaper bags made with a "Modern Day Dame" in mind. Each bag is made individually from start to finish with quality care and attention given to every stitch.

Your bag is unique by its combination of colors, style and print, the ONLY one like it! You will never see another woman carrying YOUR bag! If another woman is carrying your bag...she stole it!


Thursday, April 02, 2009

I can't stop watching.

I know this blog is supposed to be about the life and times of a mother and daughter team who are working together to spread the love of their handmade one-of-a-kind bags. However, I have another passion (can we say addiction??) for knitting. And I absolutely must share this amazing video with you all. Not only is this knitted with surgical tubing it is filled with colored water and attached to a pump. You can't even begin to imagine how cool this really is!
Take a look....now tell me what you think!

FABULOUS, right! Didn't I tell you....see it pays to listen to mom!


Unknown said...

I recently started crocheting, so I know the addiction!

Nancy said...

Totally cool. I just signed up for a beginning knitting class, but do crochet.