Our Promise : "One-of-a-Kind" made "One-at-a-Time"!

"One of a Kind bags made One at a Time"

Bette's Bags is a mother/daughter team who design and create original one of a kind handbags, purses, totes, yoga bags, diaper bags made with a "Modern Day Dame" in mind. Each bag is made individually from start to finish with quality care and attention given to every stitch.

Your bag is unique by its combination of colors, style and print, the ONLY one like it! You will never see another woman carrying YOUR bag! If another woman is carrying your bag...she stole it!


Monday, May 18, 2009

New Purse Pocket Roll-ups

Our purse pocket organizers have been a great success. We sold out of our first batch within a week. We made several more but still only have four left. The current supply is only available through Bette's Bags website. Take a look.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Yay -- it sounds like you found an empty niche that needs filling! Congratulations on the successful new product line!